Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So, I've always been a Sherlock Holmes fan myself. I love the stories and have seen 2-3 of the adaptations. And this has got to be the most brilliant one!

Sherlock has taken the old school tales and given them a modern twist. And it is completely fabulous and I want the next series to come out. 

Basically, we start off with Dr. John Watson, who has just returned from Afghanistan and has had a rather traumatic experience. He visits a therapist and has a psychosomatic limp [which means trauma causes the limp]. Either way, he runs into a friend whom he says that he doesn't know who would be able to live with him... And it turns out that this friend is also friends with Sherlock Holmes. Who is also looking for a roommate and also wondered who would be able to live with him.

And so our dynamic duo is formed. And they are absolutely fantastic together. Sherlock is exactly what he calls himself in the show: "high functioning sociopath."  He has little regard for other people, doesn't seem to have too much in the way of feelings, and lives for the thrill of the chase. You could also say he is a little needy/dependent. He constantly has Watson do little things such as text someone or fetch his phone.

Watson is pretty level headed and a good counterpart to Holmes. He does cater to some of Sherlock's craziness and does a lot of listening. He is as close to a "friend" as Holmes could ever had.

Either way, this show is fantastic! I love Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock... And he comes off as strangely attractive. Which is weird for me because I usually don't care for the curly hair look at all. Maybe it's the impartial-ness of the character. Or maybe it's because it's freaking Sherlock Holmes... I don't really know or care to explain it.

Unfortunately, there are only three 90-minute episodes, which is incredibly depressing. Supposedly there are going to be three new 90-minute episodes early next year. Hopefully it will be done through PBS again so I can actually watch it when it comes out.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Girl

I have a few shows this season that I'm interested in watching but I've always been bad about watching the first episode.

Hence, why I only just watched New Girl today.
Turns out it's a comcast ondemand thing. The show doesn't really premiere until Tuesday... So if you have Comcast ondemand, go check it out New Girl now!

And it was pretty awesome and I already have reminders plugged into my phone. I was kind of excited for this show just from the previews.

Jess Day [Zooey Deschanel] just found out her model boyfriend is cheating on her [the wikipedia page calls in a "surprise breakup"] and she needs to find a new place to live. She happens upon a craigslist ad [craigslist killer anyone?] for a place with 3 guys... And we see just how quirky Jess really is. That isn't to say that the guys are completely normal.

What to know about Jess:

  1. She likes to sing... this includes occasionally making up songs as well
  2. She is friends with models
  3. She is quirky... Veeeeery quirky
  4. She doesn't understand some social interacts... Especially when it comes to guys
And there are her 3 roommates: Nick, Schmidt, and Coach.

What to know about Nick:
  1. I don't know if this will be reemerging but he's kind of obsess with his ex-girlfriend. This is kind of resolved in the episode but who knows
  2. Bartender
  3. When he is drunk, he calls his ex-girlfriend and speaks in an Australian accent [again, don't know if this will continue in the series]
What to know about Schmidt:
  1. He's definitely Jersey Shore like [save for the tanning]
  2. He has his own swear-word-esque jars. Except he puts money in whenever the other roommates decide he is being douchey. It is called the Douchebag Jar
  3. He is the reason Jess is living with the guys. He was interested in her model friends.
  4. He takes off his shirt even if everyone wants him to keep it on.
What to know about Coach
  1. No interaction skills with the ladies [he yells a little too much]
  2. Personal trainer
  3. He's gone after the pilot due to Damon Wayans, Jr.'s obligations to Happy Endings
  4. His character will be replaced with Winston [who we don't meet until the 2nd episode]. Apparently he was only subletting the apartment.
We also meet Cece, who is one of Jess' model friends. I can't really say much outside of the fact that she is a very loyal friend to Jess. And she appears to be fairly intelligent. But I can't make much more of her than that yet. Hopefully we'll see more of her in the future.

Either way, I'm definitely excited about this show. 

Friday, September 16, 2011


First, I absolutely need to start this post with "Welcome Back Sarah Michelle Gellar!" She has pretty much been off the screen for the most part since Buffy the Vampire Slayer with spots here and there.

Anyway, we meet Sarah Michelle Gellar [SMG] #1 [if you don't know the premise of the show, you'll understand better after a bit], who is a recovering alcoholic Bridget and apparently tangled in some serious business... AKA, she is a witness that is suppose to speak against some big baddie. Also, she's kind of entangled with her AA sponsor. Oh, and Richard is there... He's everywhere and pops up at random moments when you least expect it [Also see: LOST].

However, she doesn't seem to want to really deal with any of it and runs away from it all to visit her sister for the first time in 6 years... Who is Sarah Michelle Gellar #2, Siobhan. So to the Hamptons we go!

And we find out that SMG #2 is super successful and has lots of moneys. Side note that SMG #1 pretty much has nothing to her name. Anyway, they go on a super fun boat ride... And SMG #1 takes a nap... And SMG #2 disappears... Supposedly by committing suicide [insert skepticism here and thoughts of when SMG #2 will reemerge].

And then suddenly "Siobhan" is walking back into her NYC home. But it's really Bridget dressed up as "Siobhan." Because Bridget decided to take her sister's identity. So we follow her attempting to live her sister's life. And we find out her sister was way more complicated than she seemed. Let me list the ways:

  1. Siobhan and her husband have a kind of cold relationship
  2. Siobhan has been having an affair with her best friend's husband
  3. Turns out Siobhan was 4-weeks pregnant
  4. Oh, and Siobhan is still alive and someone is trying to kill her and she knows someone was trying to kill her...
Yeah, craziness. I'll keep watching though. Cause it's Sarah Michelle Gellar and this show seems like it's gonna be good. And I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Secret Circle

So, after semi-watching a what-could-have-been a fabulous episode of The Vampire Diaries [I'll explain at the end], I decided to stick around the CW and watch The Secret Circle.

Now, my luck with CW shows are hits and misses... Mostly misses to be honest. And this show is, as of this moment, hanging on the miss side as well.

The story is basically about this girl [Cassie] who moves back to the town that was once her parents' hometown. Her mom just died and her dad has been dead since she was an infant. She's come to live with her grandma. Sounds pretty normal-ish, right? Yeah, well what she doesn't know is that she is a witch... And part of this "secret circle." Her parents were also a part of a "secret circle." And something with this circle is the reason that 1) her father is dead and 2) her mother never told her about the "secret circle."

So basically, there are a bunch of kids of the people who were in [a] secret circle with Cassie's parents [?]. And kind of throw all this information at Cassie... Who has decided to reject it all. And who can blame her? As if having to grow up with only her mother's support and then to have her ripped away, this is kind of much. And of course she can't just talk to anyone about all of this. Remember the "secret" part.

And of course, because it is an CW show, there is lots of normal teenager drama.

I'll probably watch this show, if only for the fact that it is after The Vampire Diaries until at least November 3rd [which is when my friend pointed out that Bones comes back that night]. But on the topic of TVD, the reason I missed a good half hour of the beginning is because brother #3 called to wish me a happy birthday and to talk a bit. I'll hopefully be able to watch it online soon.