Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let's Play LEGO Hanky Potter

It's been four whole days since I've posted on my watching something... Not that I haven't been watching things [Glee and... More Glee]. Right now, I've found this wonderful YouTube channel... Where you can watch Hank Green play LEGO Harry Potter [and other video games]... Or as he refers to it as LEGO Hanky Potter.

It's fantastic and amuses me much so. He's all sorts of silly and it only gets better when his wife joins the fray. I've played a bit of LEGO Harry Potter [of course, not the Wii version] and my natural instinct is to be all "YOU'RE MISSING THE SHINY THINGS BY HITTING THOSE OTHER THINGS!" But then again, that's how I am.

What makes these videos even more fantastic? They've read the books and make those comments all those who have read the books and played the game think. You here them make a comment and you all "OMG! I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!"

It got me and a friend thinking that we could do something like that... If we can get past the whole getting the game play to show up on the YouTube without putting a video camera on the screen or something. I like to think I'm pretty amusing to listen to while I play a video game. I've been told so by many people... Only other problem would be much of what I would say may have to be bleeped. I tend to swear a lot when I'm playing sometimes... 

For those who don't know who Hank Green is, he is well known as being part of the vlogbrothers youtube channel that he shares with his brother, John Green. Honestly, haven't really followed them much and all I've got so far... is that they are nerd fighters? Maybe this will explain it better.

Also, I apologize for all the caps in this post. I don't normally get this excited about anything... But it's Harry Potter related and therefore requires some caps. One day I will hopefully post my commentary for the Harry Potter movies that I've done so far.

So... Yeah, that's it.

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