Friday, September 16, 2011


First, I absolutely need to start this post with "Welcome Back Sarah Michelle Gellar!" She has pretty much been off the screen for the most part since Buffy the Vampire Slayer with spots here and there.

Anyway, we meet Sarah Michelle Gellar [SMG] #1 [if you don't know the premise of the show, you'll understand better after a bit], who is a recovering alcoholic Bridget and apparently tangled in some serious business... AKA, she is a witness that is suppose to speak against some big baddie. Also, she's kind of entangled with her AA sponsor. Oh, and Richard is there... He's everywhere and pops up at random moments when you least expect it [Also see: LOST].

However, she doesn't seem to want to really deal with any of it and runs away from it all to visit her sister for the first time in 6 years... Who is Sarah Michelle Gellar #2, Siobhan. So to the Hamptons we go!

And we find out that SMG #2 is super successful and has lots of moneys. Side note that SMG #1 pretty much has nothing to her name. Anyway, they go on a super fun boat ride... And SMG #1 takes a nap... And SMG #2 disappears... Supposedly by committing suicide [insert skepticism here and thoughts of when SMG #2 will reemerge].

And then suddenly "Siobhan" is walking back into her NYC home. But it's really Bridget dressed up as "Siobhan." Because Bridget decided to take her sister's identity. So we follow her attempting to live her sister's life. And we find out her sister was way more complicated than she seemed. Let me list the ways:

  1. Siobhan and her husband have a kind of cold relationship
  2. Siobhan has been having an affair with her best friend's husband
  3. Turns out Siobhan was 4-weeks pregnant
  4. Oh, and Siobhan is still alive and someone is trying to kill her and she knows someone was trying to kill her...
Yeah, craziness. I'll keep watching though. Cause it's Sarah Michelle Gellar and this show seems like it's gonna be good. And I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh and Siobhan (on the boat) was like, "Here Sis...let me get you a drink **cough** drugged **cough**"
