Monday, August 1, 2011


As any good Whovian knows, the secret title of the reboot of Doctor Who was called Torchwood [anagram of Doctor Who]. And thus a spinoff was born...

And I'm not incredibly impressed. While I do love me some Captain Jack Harkness, the show doesn't seem to hold the same pizazz that Dr. Who does. Of course, I've only seen 2-3 episodes [because I use them to fall asleep at night] so I don't know if I've really given it a fair shot. And naturally, I will probably watch it to the end anyway because a) it's only 3 seasons and b) it's in my nature.

It could also be that the characters haven't developed much yet. I like character depth sometimes more than story. That isn't to say that the story should be trash but I think you get what I mean. I really have no attachment to any of the characters at this point [I don't really count the Captain cause I was attached before the show] which is odd because I usually find at least one after an episode or two.

It's probably because the show is a little focused on Gwen Cooper, the newbie to Torchwood. And honestly, she doesn't interest me in the slightest. In fact, she kind of annoys me. She's kind of making rookie mistakes that a now former cop shouldn't be making. She kind of has traits I don't appreciate in humanity. A little too naive, not remotely cautious and doesn't seem to take her job all that seriously. It's like she is just stepping into a smoke filled room knowing nothing of what is inside. Which makes her all the easier to develop as a character. -sigh- Which is kind of dull at this point I guess.

It's interesting because the show has had 2 [made-for-tv?] movies and I'll probably want to see those too at some point. I guess I was kind of hoping for more to start off with. We'll see if my interest stays or if it wanes and I go back to shows that are airing now.

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