Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dr Who Series 1: Episode 2 - The End of the World

Again, some warning that this contains spoilers! Part of my commentary includes summing up all that has happened in the episode! Includes the questions from my last post that haven't really been answered as well as a new question!

Episode 2: The End of the World

Of course, we start with the typical “What happened last episode” bit which I love. I’m one of those people who completely forget usually what happened the previous episode. Which means I hate when they have the “what happened” bit but it’s a mixture of everything that has happened so far in the show in random bits that the writers/producers have determine are important.

And we’ve got Rose and the Doctor, who happens to be super excited when he is driving the TARDIS. He’s much more enthusiastic and knowledgeable than the current Doctor. And of course, it’s a surprise where they are going because apparently, Rose can’t pick.

And we’re billions of years into the future! Just before the sun explodes to be exact. I do like that some scientific knowledge  incorporated in this show but mostly because I knew this little tid bit. Makes me feel less like a moron when it comes to science and it’s… stuff. What is even more interesting is that a bunch of aliens are coming to watch!

And we are now introduced to another Doctor product, psychic paper. I love how everything gets explained here. And how it gets re-explained for every other Doctor as well. Here is where I  wonder if James Cameron had seen this episode and may have acquired some inspiration….

And during the introductions is where I’m sure many were inspired to write some Doctor/Tree Lady [name escapes me] fanfictions. Because everyone knows that when something like that is simply handed out, there is a fanfiction about it.

And we get to the gifts. Essentially, the only ones that really capture my attention are the shiny silver balls from the creepy cloaked Dementors aliens. Well, I guess the jukebox iPod was funny. “Tainted Love” is simply one of those songs you just suddenly start humming during some important examination. It is most definitely a mingling tune. Oh, and I didn’t know that ostriches could shoot fire out of their nostrils! I will be weary of them for future notice.

Here we get a little more Rose time. After a minor freak out around the aliens, she comes across another blue one. This one seems nice enough and is evidently a plumber. Guess it would be comforting to know you aren’t completely in a strange environment…  And of course, as soon as Rose disappears, something happens to our dear blue plumber! In the same time, the tree alien lady takes a picture thingy of the Doctor and tries to find out where he is from!...

And then more questionably questionable things from Rose… Mostly the fact that she seems to only be realizing now just how strange the Doctor may be. Also, she finds out that the TARDIS is in her mind!!! Ooooo! Oh and that talk of the Doctor’s home planet seems to be a no-go topic [for now]. And that he does jiggery pokery. Strangely, it seems as though time is continuing on for Rose’s mum. Or maybe jiggery pokery gives your phone time-warping abilities.

This is when there is a mysterious shaking of the ship, which only the Doctor seems to realize that the blue head dude was lying about. And for his deception, he is burnt to a crispy blue chicken nugget. Remember kiddies, turning off the sun filter = bad.

And more Doctor/Tree Alien fanfiction was produced around this little scene, especially with Rose giving them permission. Also, there are the Titanic references here that will definitely make this fanfiction worthy [maybe I should be the one to write it…] We find out the Tree Alien lady knows the Doctor is a Time Lord and apologizes for his loss.

We flash sideways over to Rose, who is telling off the “last human” lady. This is probably more commentary on someone’s part about plastic surgery and how it can destroy a person… But then again, I suspect the fleshy, “human” creature was probably a bitch before that anyway.

Again, we get to see an emotional Doctor, this time being sadness… And Rose being unconscious.

And the Doctor finally finds the buggers I didn’t mention before that emerged from the super shiny balls given out as gifts earlier. Yeah, they are kind of destroying the ship and killing people/aliens/things. What to do, what to do?!

Of course, we come back to the main room and Britney Spear’s “Toxic” is playing in the background… Never really considered end of the world music myself… Maybe end of humanity but not the world…

And our tree friend’s labeling device comes into play [again] and helps the Doctor solve the mystery! Of course those dementors cloaked creatures were remote controlled droids! And of course it’s all the “last human’s” planning! And of course it was all for blackmailing purposes! Just chill, the stretch of skin is just going to let the exploding sun kill you all.

Of course, the Doctor wanders to the emergency switch room with the Tree Alien lady to switch the switch that will turn the awesome, sun-resistant shields back on… But it’s getting too hot for our tree friend, who holds on to the switch to slow the air conditioner [a totally different switch entirely]. So while the Doctor saves the day, he doesn’t save his lady love tree friend. Again, insert more fanfiction here.

And the Doctor gets back to the main area. And of course, there is a secret device in the ostrich egg that brings the stretched skin back. Who proceeds to dry out and pops… or explodes… or breaks… or something. Either way, it was really kind of gross. D;

This leads up to more Doctor and Rose hand holding as well as a philosophy and history lesson from the Doctor. We learn he is the last of his kind [Superman-esque] and his planet is no more due to war…

And then the next episode preview comes up! I’m much more excited for this one because I’ve noticed I prefer past episodes than future ones.

Remaining Questions:

Who fought in this war that destroyed the Time Lords? What was it all about?
The war is mentioned yet again in this episode. We get a bit more of a glimpse into it. Obviously other aliens know of this war but were they involved? Again, we are getting the details piece by piece at this point.

Questions yet to be answered:
How long has the Doctor been in this form?
How old is Rose?


  1. DAE DAE DAE DAE! I'm spamming you on this entry because it was the first episode of Doctor Who I saw. And at the time, I loved it. "Air from my lungs" made me happier than is probably normal. Anyway. Should I answer ALL OF THE QUESTIONS, or are they rhetorical? The Time War is important, keep paying attention. I have a soft spot in my heart for this Doctor (we shall call him Nine). Though Ten and Eleven (the next two) get all of the glory, Nine was fantastic. Too bad his stories weren't really up to par. However, he has very poor taste in companions. Rose? Really? ROSE? To this day, I cannot stand her. But anyway. OMG LET'S WATCH DOCTOR WHO AND FANGIRL OVER IT FOREVER.

  2. <3 Andi. Questions are kind of just there. I'd rather see if they would be answered in the show I guess.

    I think Rose is interesting but kind of not a real person.

    I did notice that his stories haven't been really that interesting. It takes two times of watching just to get everything I want down and write the summary-esque aspect of this bloggy thing.
