Sunday, January 16, 2011

Despicable Me

This is the other movie I rented for this weekend. However, unlike with the Sorcerer's Apprentice, I'm not going to be giving you the play by play as I'm watching. I really wanted to just sit and enjoy the movie, which is hard to do when you have to pause and rewind and all that jazz. So everything here will be by memory.

Overall, the movie was pretty good. Not quite up to Wall-E or Toy Story 3 level but good in its own respect.


You follow super villain Gru who has just out been matched by another villain, who calls himself Vector. Vector has stolen the Pyramids of Giza by shrinking them. He calls his mother at one point who even comments about his failures.

Naturally, Gru must out do him and goes to the Bank of Evil in order to get a loan so he can build a space ship... To shrink and steal the moon! Unfortunately, he is denied his loan until he can get a hold of the shrink ray.

While he attempts to steal the shrink ray, Vector gets in the way and ultimately ends up with the shrink ray. And there is no way he can get into Vector's house/base/whatever. Until he witness 3 little girls [who had tried to sell Gru cookies before] get in to sell Vector some delicious cookies! And it just so happens that these 3 little girls are orphans... So he adopts them to use them and get the shrink ray.

Of course, these children cause Gru so many problems with with childishness! From finding his secret laboratory to taking them to their ballet practice [they are doing Swan Lake] to making a mess of his house. However, he begins to grow fond of them as time goes on. He doesn't realize this until after he has stolen back the shrink ray and they go to an amusement park. While he is talking with the Bank of Evil guy about getting his loan, the children distract him. And even though he has the shrink ray, the Bank of Evil guy refuses Gru, claiming he wants a younger villain to do the job. We learn that Vector is actually the Bank of Evil guy's son! -dramatic music here-

After this rejection, we get a little background on Gru: he's always wanted to go to the moon. Throughout his childhood, he goes through stages of making a rocket, partially in an attempt to impress his mother. She is not satisfied with his achievements.

Gru announces to his minions that the plan is off. There are simply not enough funds to do this project... Until the three little girls offer their money, which spurs the minions to donate some of their own money! Project back on! And the girls invite him to come to their performance of Swan Lake. -queue "aaaaaaws"-

However, the day of the Swan Lake performance is the same day as when Gru needs to get the moon [something about optimal position]. In order to make sure that Gru has his priorities right, Dr. Nefario [his assistant] has the girls sent back to the orphanage.

He goes through the mission as planned and obtains the shrunken moon. Noticing he has time to get to the recital, he rush over to the studio... Only to find that it's over. D; And on one of the chairs, he finds a note reserving his chair... And on the back is a ransom note! Vector has the girls and will give them back if Gru gives him the moon!!! Oh noes!

Gru rushes to Vector's residence and gives him the moon to get the girls back... But backstabbing Vector refuses and flies off with the girls and the moon. Gru manages to get a hold of the escaping ship but can't hold on. Thankfully Dr. Nefario was there to catch him. And we learn that the bigger the object, the quicker the effects of the shrink ray wear off!

We see the moon growing on Vector's ship as the girls try to warn him of what is happening. The ship rolls around and the girls are freed from their prison. The two younger ones jump into Gru's arms easily but the eldest hesitates. Just as she's about to jump, Vector grabs her! Thankfully, the moon knocks Vector over and our eldest girl jumps and is saved by Gru and the minions.

Conveniently, the moon hits a button in Vector's ship that sends it rocketing back into orbit. Vector becomes trapped on the moon.

And thus, the happy little family is reunited. In the end, the girls put on a performance for Gru, his mother and the minions. Gru's mother even acknowledges that he is the better parent and that she is proud of him.


Definitely a cutesy movie if there ever was one. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a giggle here or there. I'll probably see this one again and would consider purchasing it... Especially because I could not view the special features [and there appeared to be quite a few]. Since it was a rental, this copy of the movie seemed to have been stripped of all the fun bonus materials. I was very disappointed with that.

I'm curious as to what is going to go down with the sequel [because it has been confirmed that there will be one].

One thing I wanted to comment on is the fact that this movie was really well promoted in my opinion. While it did start being promoted pretty far in advance, it kept the viewers wondering. The initial trailer was all the minions talking in a language we really couldn't understand followed by a silhouette of Gru. It really caught my attention.

That's it for this post. Mostly because the Golden Globes will be on soon and I've gotta start working on that post! Hopefully it will be up by tomorrow.

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