Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pregnant in Heels

If there is one person I have to admire, it has to be Rosie Pope. She is quirky and a little bit sarcastic without coming off as harsh.  She keeps it real while sugar coating it when she can.

And some of the women she deals with are completely insane. There are two clients that stand out as being super crazy at this point.

Crazy mom to be number one was a woman who had 4-5 weeks to get married before having her baby. Of course, she doesn't have anything planned nor does she have a dress. So she just walks into Rosie's store asking for help. And Rosie can't seem to say no to anyone.

So the first step is making the wedding dress. Rosie also happens to be a designer [I think] and is going to design the dress. And she makes a really nice dress that is big because that's how it should go; from bigger to fitted. Well this NY crazy isn't having that because Rosie can't alter the dress that day. So the nut job takes it to her own tailor who apparently butchers the dress. And this woman is blowing up about it... And I just want to say "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU HAD THE DESIGNER READY TO WORK ON THE DRESS THE SHE WORKED HARD ON AND YOU TOOK IT TO A MORON!" If you can't tell, I do NOT feel sorry for this woman.

Of course, that is ignoring the other part of her story. She has gestational diabetes [the wiki page if you don't know what that is] and has gained 80 pounds during her pregnancy [which is unnatural according to Rosie]. She went through IVF [being 40 years old and having eggs frozen before] and says that she gained weight before the pregnancy. This woman keeps telling Rosie that she hasn't been eating badly [despite having crap food all around the apartment] and that she doesn't know why she has gained so much weight.  Rosie points out that with the diabetes, this woman should be taking her diet seriously and she hasn't been. The denial just drives me insane.

And then there is mommy-to-be 2... Her and her husband are definitely nut-so. They take their baby naming very seriously. Now, I get that a baby name reflects a lot of things: the baby, the parents, the family. But to have a focus group? A focus group is used in marketing research where a bunch of random people [in this place, a bunch of executives] are put in a room with a product or service [the information anyway] and they basically point out all the good and bad aspects. Rosie also collected a group of experts [linguists, poet, baby naming expert, etc] to help work on the naming... And in the end, they ignored what everyone said and went with the name that no one but them liked... Seriously? Insanity. Pure insanity.

I wish I had enough money to be that crazy.

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