Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Nine Lives of Chloe King

I started watching this show the other day [via my new outlet, Hulu]. Honestly, I had no inclination to watch this show. The teaser trailers were of no interest to me and nothing about what I had seen lured me into the show. But I had run out of things to watch and since there are no more Doctor Who episodes to watch, I decided to give The Nine Lives of Chloe King a shot... And I'm going to be honest, after watching the first episode, I don't know if I want to continue watching this show.

Maybe it's because it is about a 16 year old girl. Maybe because it reminds me of the slightly ridiculous shows of my youth where the world was completely the same... Save for one thing.

SPOILERS : Read any further and well, that's you're own damn fault for not reading the bold print.

For those who didn't watch, this show is about 16 year old Chloe King. And she has a secret that even she doesn't know she has. Basically, she's like a cat or something. What we learn in this first episode:
  1. Chloe is thrown off the top of a very high building in the first scene of the episode.
  2. We flash back and see the two days prior
  3. Chloe is adopted.
  4. She comes from the Ukraine.
  5. Apparently she is cat-like. At this point, we know she has claws, super human strength and that's all we've seen so far. These powers show up on her 16th birthday.
  6. She has 2 friends, a guy and a girl. The girl has bad taste in fashion. The boy... is a boy.
  7. She is obsessed with boys. She also gets her first kiss from a boy at a club [btw, he dies because of said kiss]
  8. Her dad disappeared 10 years ago. He was the one to bring her to the States. Supposedly her mother had been in contact with him via an e-mail. Chloe has tried this e-mail and has gotten nothing in return.
  9. Chloe goes on a somewhat date with a guy who came to the shop she works at.
  10. She feels someone following her, runs and we start back where we were at the beginning of the episode. She is pushed off the roof. 
  11. Additional power is that she has more than 1 life. She is the only one like this.
  12. She is a descendent from some ancient race known as the Mai [something to do with Set - Egyptian]. This where the powers come from. She finds this out from 2 kids who attend her school and already know everything. The one is a really hot guy.
  13. Apparently, she is the chosen one special one that will saved everyone
  14. One of her friends is kidnapped by the guy who tried to kill her.
  15. These other people really want her dead. And will keep killing her till she doesn't get up again.
  16. The other Mai don't have the super healing/extra lives thing. The girl Mai from school gets hurt. She'll be ok. Just ice it...
  17. Chloe has an e-mail. It's from mystery father. It's says: TRUST NO ONE. -DAD
And that's kind of it. I may continue this show if only for the attractive males but that probably won't be able to hold my attention longer than maybe 3 more episodes [especially with White Collar being back].

Anyway, that's all. Night night!

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