Friday, December 16, 2011

The Help

Got my laptop on my lap and a frozen hot chocolate [with some liquor], so I think I'm ready to watch The Help. My mom has been wanting to watch this movie since she heard it was coming up.

It starts off pretty dramatically. A black woman starts talking about her story. How she knew she was going to be maid growing up and how she spends her life raising white babies.

And we flash over to Skeeter [Emma Stone], who is trying to get into the publishing world. She tried to get employed at Harper Publishing company but needed more experience. And she is pretty much given her break at a small town gazette, the Jackson Journal.

Skeeter seems to be different from all the people she grew up with. She seems to have an appreciation for the help and loved Constance, the black woman who raised her [though not according to Skeeter's mother]. Apparently, while Skeeter was at college, Constance "left" to be with her family in Chicago. She is very independent for her generation.

And the maids are the best part of this movie. They are passionate and have a hard life due to the times. You see things you don't learn in history class, like the idea of a house having a separate bathroom for the help. And you get to see the thought process of the white people of the town. It's amazing to see what they considered being "racist" versus "separate but equal."

Also, there is an interesting lack of men in this movie save for a few glimpses here and there. But then again, this is a focus not only on black peoples' rights, but black women's rights. And so it would be pointless to have much focus on the men.

Either way, I'd definitely recommend this movie. It is certainly different from all those other "chick flicks," for lack of a better words. It's not a laugh a lot movie like Bridesmaids or sappy like anything like Jodi Picoult or New Year's Eve [and yes, I consider that movie to be a chick flick]. It has some comedy, some serious notes, some highs and some lows. All the actresses in this movie definitely did their job of making you feel. They deserve all the award nominations they got and then some.


Fun Side Notes

  • Crisco is to The Help like Windex is to My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
  • Stuart Whitworth was played by Chris Lowell, who also played Piz in Veronica Mars

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Once Upon a Time [mid-season finale]

Spoilers! The following post does contain spoilers for the Once Upon a Time episode The Heart is a Lonely Hunter [episode 7]. Do not read if you have not seen the episode and do not want it spoiled for you.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Neverland [SyFy mini series]

There may be some mild spoilers in this review. Do not continue if you want to be surprised when watching. You have been warned...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

YouTube + Video Games = Many hours wasted

Recently, I've become kind of a youtube junkie... Particularly for guys and gals playing video games. Maybe it's my way of playing the games vicariously through others. I only own my laptop and a PS2 [with a handful of games]. And since I don't own a memory card, I haven't felt encouraged to start any of my games.

Here are some youtube channels focused on video game playing that I have subscribed to:

Hank Games
For anyone familiar with the vlogbrothers, you have probably heard about this channel. It originally started with Hank Green playing video games by himself. I subscribed to this channel when he began playing Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4. I have always liked watching other people play video games... Given they have amusing commentary to go with it. I'd also recommend watching him play Assassins Creed... But start from the first one he played! He's currently on Revelations.

But right now, the first thing I check out is to see if his brother, John Green, has put up a new episode of The Miracle of Swindon Town. Basically, he plays FIFA 2011 as the Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers [not the real name of the Swindon Town F.C. btw] and provides interesting and random commentary. I don't know why it fascinates me so but it does. Maybe it's just the listener in me. I like listening to people and John Green has a lot to say.

Below is the latest episode of The Miracle of Swindon Town

This is a really new channel from a youtuber that I was following before hand, Luke Conard. What I like about the channel is that there are a bunch of different people playing a bunch of different games. There really is something for everyone and I'm excited to see this channel flourish. Not only that, I haven't played most of the games they are taking on.

I have been watching all the videos so far but the ones I guess I'm most excited for are:

Little Big Planet with Luke and Ingrid [missglamorazzi]

and Alex plays Batman: Arkham Asylum [which did a live showing but hasn't been posted yet on the channel].

... Yeah. That's all.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A change from your irregularly scheduled program...

Like I kind of mentioned in my post about Once Upon A Time,  fairy tales are up on the rise with media today.  Really, I think it comes with off the tailcoats of the vampires/werewolves revolution we've been having with the Twilight saga and The Vampire Diaries. By that, I mean that writers and directors and producers are taking a concept that has been around for a while and revamping it for a modern audience.

Which gets to my main point: I'm really excited for the Snow White movies that are coming out next year. Like, really really really excited. Like, I may actually want to see these movies in theaters... Which doesn't really happen for me with a lot of movies.

So the following is my take on the movies so far along with the trailers.

This is the one with the tough Snow White, played by Kristen Stewart. We have the typical part of the story:

- Queen wants to be fairest in the land
- Snow White is gonna beat her
- Queen wants Snow White dead
- Queen sends Huntsman to kill Snow White

And then we get a change. The Huntsman [AKA Eric] is apparently reluctant to work for the Queen from the start. He appears to have been captured and is to either kill Snow White or be killed. From there, he apparently starts to train Snow White to fight in a battle against the Queen. Definitely pretty exciting in my opinion.

Kristen Stewart is the Snow White in this version and that hasn't deterred me from this movie yet. But I'll have to see another trailer because we haven't actually heard her speak, which could be a deal breaker for me. I've seen her in the Twilight saga and have noticed... Her acting has not evolved much through the series. I'm hoping that maybe in the strong female role, Stewart will flourish.

This version of the Snow White tale seems like it will definitely be very different from the other. It may have been the impression from the trailer, but this story seems to focus more on the Queen then Snow White. And with Julia Roberts playing the Evil Queen, it's a no wonder. However, I don't know if I'd call her evil so much as self-absorbed. The trailer has her coming off as insecure and less scary. She almost comes off as comical in the trailer.

Something you do get from this movie that doesn't seem to appear in the other? The dwarves. You get a glimpse of them and Snow White training [again with the strong female who previously wasn't] for her fight against the Queen.

Also, the music in the trailer at the beginning actually makes me think Bollywood. It's really weird but exciting at the same time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I've been on and off with this show for a few years now. I usually catch old episodes on TNT [though I think I've seen most of them by this point]. I've never been committed to watching it once a week even though I really like Bones.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about the Bones/Booth couple with a bun in the oven. It just seems kind of strange after so long for them to finally be together.

Even still, Brennan and Booth are two very different people. Tonight's new episode ["The Memories in the Shallow Grave"] seems to be showing us a lot of the obstacles that they are going to face not only as a couple, but a couple with a child on the way.

Brennan is very factual and scientific. Her way of thinking has not changed much since the first season give or take a smidgen. She has no belief in a God and has never really had a functioning family or anyone else to depend on.

Booth is a very emotional and bases his decisions on gut instinct. He is as open to ideas as he can be. Family and friends have always been #1 in his life and he is a bit more in touch with people than Brennan. And while he didn't grow up with the conventional family [his grandfather raised him], he still understands the functions of a family.

We can already tell that the following topics will need to be discussed/resolved this season:
- Finding a new place
- Religious upbringing
- Brennan working far into her pregnancy [because I can't imagine she'll be able to sit or whatever]
- Picking a name [which I think will be hilarious]
  ~ In relation, deciding on the child's last name
- Dealing with Parker [Hopefully this will be addressed because I feel like Booth's son is so easy to forget]
- Brennan's hormones [which I'm sure will come up the entire season]
- Money [which will probably come up more than once]

I'm sure there are more but those are what are coming to mind right at the moment. Any other ideas are welcomed.

First episode back was pretty good. We got to see Brennan have a few awkward moments and the kissing between Booth and Brennan were cute as oppose to weird.

The murder was so strange that it was kind of boring. I was more interested in the relationship aspect then the murder aspect. It is usually the other way around with me. I'm excited for what is to come and I'm going to try and keep up with the show, which will probably be difficult once Vampire Diaries goes on hiatus.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Once Upon a Time

I know, this is a little late but whatever...

I cannot express how excited I was for Once Upon A Time. Of course, I've kind of been excited for all the fairy tale story line shows that are coming out [Grimm] but this one especially. It is just such a new and different take on the tales. I've always been a lover of the fairy tales, whether Grimm or Disney.

Here is a link to the ABC website where you can watch the first episode of Once Upon A Time. If you don't want to be spoiled to the first episode, don't keep reading... You've been warned.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So, I've always been a Sherlock Holmes fan myself. I love the stories and have seen 2-3 of the adaptations. And this has got to be the most brilliant one!

Sherlock has taken the old school tales and given them a modern twist. And it is completely fabulous and I want the next series to come out. 

Basically, we start off with Dr. John Watson, who has just returned from Afghanistan and has had a rather traumatic experience. He visits a therapist and has a psychosomatic limp [which means trauma causes the limp]. Either way, he runs into a friend whom he says that he doesn't know who would be able to live with him... And it turns out that this friend is also friends with Sherlock Holmes. Who is also looking for a roommate and also wondered who would be able to live with him.

And so our dynamic duo is formed. And they are absolutely fantastic together. Sherlock is exactly what he calls himself in the show: "high functioning sociopath."  He has little regard for other people, doesn't seem to have too much in the way of feelings, and lives for the thrill of the chase. You could also say he is a little needy/dependent. He constantly has Watson do little things such as text someone or fetch his phone.

Watson is pretty level headed and a good counterpart to Holmes. He does cater to some of Sherlock's craziness and does a lot of listening. He is as close to a "friend" as Holmes could ever had.

Either way, this show is fantastic! I love Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock... And he comes off as strangely attractive. Which is weird for me because I usually don't care for the curly hair look at all. Maybe it's the impartial-ness of the character. Or maybe it's because it's freaking Sherlock Holmes... I don't really know or care to explain it.

Unfortunately, there are only three 90-minute episodes, which is incredibly depressing. Supposedly there are going to be three new 90-minute episodes early next year. Hopefully it will be done through PBS again so I can actually watch it when it comes out.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Girl

I have a few shows this season that I'm interested in watching but I've always been bad about watching the first episode.

Hence, why I only just watched New Girl today.
Turns out it's a comcast ondemand thing. The show doesn't really premiere until Tuesday... So if you have Comcast ondemand, go check it out New Girl now!

And it was pretty awesome and I already have reminders plugged into my phone. I was kind of excited for this show just from the previews.

Jess Day [Zooey Deschanel] just found out her model boyfriend is cheating on her [the wikipedia page calls in a "surprise breakup"] and she needs to find a new place to live. She happens upon a craigslist ad [craigslist killer anyone?] for a place with 3 guys... And we see just how quirky Jess really is. That isn't to say that the guys are completely normal.

What to know about Jess:

  1. She likes to sing... this includes occasionally making up songs as well
  2. She is friends with models
  3. She is quirky... Veeeeery quirky
  4. She doesn't understand some social interacts... Especially when it comes to guys
And there are her 3 roommates: Nick, Schmidt, and Coach.

What to know about Nick:
  1. I don't know if this will be reemerging but he's kind of obsess with his ex-girlfriend. This is kind of resolved in the episode but who knows
  2. Bartender
  3. When he is drunk, he calls his ex-girlfriend and speaks in an Australian accent [again, don't know if this will continue in the series]
What to know about Schmidt:
  1. He's definitely Jersey Shore like [save for the tanning]
  2. He has his own swear-word-esque jars. Except he puts money in whenever the other roommates decide he is being douchey. It is called the Douchebag Jar
  3. He is the reason Jess is living with the guys. He was interested in her model friends.
  4. He takes off his shirt even if everyone wants him to keep it on.
What to know about Coach
  1. No interaction skills with the ladies [he yells a little too much]
  2. Personal trainer
  3. He's gone after the pilot due to Damon Wayans, Jr.'s obligations to Happy Endings
  4. His character will be replaced with Winston [who we don't meet until the 2nd episode]. Apparently he was only subletting the apartment.
We also meet Cece, who is one of Jess' model friends. I can't really say much outside of the fact that she is a very loyal friend to Jess. And she appears to be fairly intelligent. But I can't make much more of her than that yet. Hopefully we'll see more of her in the future.

Either way, I'm definitely excited about this show. 

Friday, September 16, 2011


First, I absolutely need to start this post with "Welcome Back Sarah Michelle Gellar!" She has pretty much been off the screen for the most part since Buffy the Vampire Slayer with spots here and there.

Anyway, we meet Sarah Michelle Gellar [SMG] #1 [if you don't know the premise of the show, you'll understand better after a bit], who is a recovering alcoholic Bridget and apparently tangled in some serious business... AKA, she is a witness that is suppose to speak against some big baddie. Also, she's kind of entangled with her AA sponsor. Oh, and Richard is there... He's everywhere and pops up at random moments when you least expect it [Also see: LOST].

However, she doesn't seem to want to really deal with any of it and runs away from it all to visit her sister for the first time in 6 years... Who is Sarah Michelle Gellar #2, Siobhan. So to the Hamptons we go!

And we find out that SMG #2 is super successful and has lots of moneys. Side note that SMG #1 pretty much has nothing to her name. Anyway, they go on a super fun boat ride... And SMG #1 takes a nap... And SMG #2 disappears... Supposedly by committing suicide [insert skepticism here and thoughts of when SMG #2 will reemerge].

And then suddenly "Siobhan" is walking back into her NYC home. But it's really Bridget dressed up as "Siobhan." Because Bridget decided to take her sister's identity. So we follow her attempting to live her sister's life. And we find out her sister was way more complicated than she seemed. Let me list the ways:

  1. Siobhan and her husband have a kind of cold relationship
  2. Siobhan has been having an affair with her best friend's husband
  3. Turns out Siobhan was 4-weeks pregnant
  4. Oh, and Siobhan is still alive and someone is trying to kill her and she knows someone was trying to kill her...
Yeah, craziness. I'll keep watching though. Cause it's Sarah Michelle Gellar and this show seems like it's gonna be good. And I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Secret Circle

So, after semi-watching a what-could-have-been a fabulous episode of The Vampire Diaries [I'll explain at the end], I decided to stick around the CW and watch The Secret Circle.

Now, my luck with CW shows are hits and misses... Mostly misses to be honest. And this show is, as of this moment, hanging on the miss side as well.

The story is basically about this girl [Cassie] who moves back to the town that was once her parents' hometown. Her mom just died and her dad has been dead since she was an infant. She's come to live with her grandma. Sounds pretty normal-ish, right? Yeah, well what she doesn't know is that she is a witch... And part of this "secret circle." Her parents were also a part of a "secret circle." And something with this circle is the reason that 1) her father is dead and 2) her mother never told her about the "secret circle."

So basically, there are a bunch of kids of the people who were in [a] secret circle with Cassie's parents [?]. And kind of throw all this information at Cassie... Who has decided to reject it all. And who can blame her? As if having to grow up with only her mother's support and then to have her ripped away, this is kind of much. And of course she can't just talk to anyone about all of this. Remember the "secret" part.

And of course, because it is an CW show, there is lots of normal teenager drama.

I'll probably watch this show, if only for the fact that it is after The Vampire Diaries until at least November 3rd [which is when my friend pointed out that Bones comes back that night]. But on the topic of TVD, the reason I missed a good half hour of the beginning is because brother #3 called to wish me a happy birthday and to talk a bit. I'll hopefully be able to watch it online soon.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Julie and Julia

I'm not really a chick flick kind of female. And so far, this is not really making me want to see more chick flicks.

My mom wanted to watch "Julie and Julia" and I've just kind of been sitting in the room, sort of watching it. It is an ok movie, not bad but not really amazing either.

It stars Meryl Streep as Julia Childs, a woman who resided in France [her husband worked at the US embassy] and decided to go to Le Cordon Bleu [famous French cooking school]. We catch glimpses of her life in France and dealing with the fact that she could not speak French and was not an expert at cooking as her fellow peers.

And then there is Amy Adams as Julie Powell, a woman who works at a call center, dealing with victims of the September 11th attacks and such. She decides she is going to go through Julie Childs' cookbook on French cooking, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and blog about it. She gives herself the goal of going through the whole book in 365 days.

And you follow both of these women as they go through the struggles of life and learning to cook. I probably would never watch this movie again. The acting is great and the script is ok. The movie is a little choppy because of the way the whole thing is set up, jumping between Julia's life and Julie's life. So that's something to be expected.

I think it's more of the fact that I'm simply not interested in cooking. All the cooking and cooking talk in the movie kind of bores me. And there is quite a bit of it. -sigh- But maybe if you are remotely interested in cooking, this would be the movie for you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Robin Hood [A la BBC America]

I love TV shows that are based on older stories. They bring to life the old stories and share them with newer generations... If they are done well, of course.

So I've been watching the BBC America version of Robin Hood. It aired from 2006-2009 and is currently available via my Amazon Prime account. I'm most of the way through the first season and it's... interesting.

I'll be honest, I don't know the original tale of Robin Hood. So there is nothing to complain about in the ways of accuracy like in shows such as Merlin. I'm also not a history buff and don't know much about some of the historical accuracy [if the show is even aiming for that]. Though I'm sure the story has been embellished quite a bit [Marian is a secret fighter against the Sheriff? What what?], it is.... Ok.

There isn't really much to say. The guy playing Robin Hood is quite dashing and attractive. And looks pretty darn good with a bow and arrow. Robin is naturally charming and charismatic. Maybe a little too perfect at times but then again, the male characters back in the day were always perfect.

The basic story is that Robin, Lord of Locksley Manor and Earl of Huntingd,on has returned from the Crusades [He was fighting to protect King Richard] with his trusty side-kick and now former servant Much. But what he comes back to is not the home he left. His estate has been run by Sir Guy of Gisborne and there is a new sheriff in town, Vaisey. And we follow the story where Robin eventually becomes an outlaw and meets up with a bunch of other outlaws. And thus the merry band of men is formed [with a non-white woman to join in the future].

And then there is of course Maid Lady Marian, the daughter of the former sheriff and former flame of Robin's. Like I said before... She secretly fights the Sheriff on the side as the Night Watchman [a title she insists she did not chose]. And naturally, Sir Guy/Gisborne is kind of obsessed with her...

And each episode is basically about how the Sheriff tries to out-trick Robin and capture him. And his subsequent failing at doing so. And yeah... That's kind of the gist of the show. It's fun episode to episode but I'm not terribly interested in the arc as a whole. But I'll keep watching... Mostly because I've already started it and it's something to fall asleep to at night.

Be on the lookout though! I'm considering doing a Harry Potter movie marathon [dunno if I'll include DH pt 2] and will probably do right ups on each movie.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


So I just finished watching all of Torchwood... AND IT DIDN'T GET ANY BETTER!!! Ok, it got a teenie tiny bit better but not much. Spoilers under the link.

I should also note that even after watching all of Torchwood that I could, I still don't like Gwen.

I don't know if I'll ever see Torchwood: Miracle Day considering it is on Starz here in the States and I'll probably never want to pay to see it.

So now I'm looking through Amazon Prime for some new shows and movies to watch.

Current going list for tv shows:
Pushing Daisies
Robin Hood
The Tudors [though I have seen seasons 1 & 2]
Doctor Who [old school version]
Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century [because anything involving Holmes should be interesting]

I haven't gone through the movies yet but I'm sure I will. Always open to recommendations as well.

Monday, August 1, 2011


As any good Whovian knows, the secret title of the reboot of Doctor Who was called Torchwood [anagram of Doctor Who]. And thus a spinoff was born...

And I'm not incredibly impressed. While I do love me some Captain Jack Harkness, the show doesn't seem to hold the same pizazz that Dr. Who does. Of course, I've only seen 2-3 episodes [because I use them to fall asleep at night] so I don't know if I've really given it a fair shot. And naturally, I will probably watch it to the end anyway because a) it's only 3 seasons and b) it's in my nature.

It could also be that the characters haven't developed much yet. I like character depth sometimes more than story. That isn't to say that the story should be trash but I think you get what I mean. I really have no attachment to any of the characters at this point [I don't really count the Captain cause I was attached before the show] which is odd because I usually find at least one after an episode or two.

It's probably because the show is a little focused on Gwen Cooper, the newbie to Torchwood. And honestly, she doesn't interest me in the slightest. In fact, she kind of annoys me. She's kind of making rookie mistakes that a now former cop shouldn't be making. She kind of has traits I don't appreciate in humanity. A little too naive, not remotely cautious and doesn't seem to take her job all that seriously. It's like she is just stepping into a smoke filled room knowing nothing of what is inside. Which makes her all the easier to develop as a character. -sigh- Which is kind of dull at this point I guess.

It's interesting because the show has had 2 [made-for-tv?] movies and I'll probably want to see those too at some point. I guess I was kind of hoping for more to start off with. We'll see if my interest stays or if it wanes and I go back to shows that are airing now.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Doctor Who: Series 4

So, I caved. I paid for an Amazon Prime account so I could stream Doctor Who episodes. I can't help it. And it was cheaper than buying on the shows on Amazon OnDemand. And sooooo worth it.

I'll admit, overall, the shows offered on the streaming are limited and mostly British. But I only paid $39 for the Prime and I'll also get free 2 day shipping, which I love. I should probably check out all the potential of this account but for now, this will suffice.

Anyway, I've plowed my way through series [seasons to all of us in the U.S.] 2, 3 and now most of 4. And I have to admit, while series 5 holds a special place in my heart as the one I started watching Doctor Who, I love series 4.

Why? Because I love Donna Noble. She is... simply amazing. She is my absolute favorite companion. Let me count the ways:
  1. She is funny. While some people could just say that's because of the writing... Yeah, that's not true. Only Catherine Tate could truly pull off such an amusing character
  2. She's strong. She has proven that she doesn't always need the Doctor to get something done. "Turn Left" shows that [even though she got help from a certain other companion].
  3. She's human. She doesn't come off as perfect, even pretends that she is perfect. She cares what others think of her. She is scared when a normal person would be scared. She's happy when a normal person would be happy. Which is why...
  4. I think I connect with her the best out of all the previous companions that I've seen. Rose made me think "What a teenager thing to do." She also disregarded the feelings of everyone else save for her own. Her actions didn't always make sense and made me wonder if maybe she should have been an alien instead. Martha was all about how "in love" with the Doctor she was. I just... Didn't see any depth to her. I feel like I never got to know Martha as a character. Though you do see glimpses of who she really is after she is no longer the Doctor's companion. Donna is stubborn and will argue till her face turns purple. But at the end of the day, she still cares. And she was the first to turn the Doctor away. She didn't jump right into the adventure and knew that it wasn't the right time. I never got the feeling that Rose or Martha would just know something like that.

I think part of the reason I like Donna so much is because she is older than previous companions. That isn't to say she is any more or less confused about what will happen after the Doctor or where her life was going before the Doctor... Which is a trait I notice all companions have. That the companion's life is currently at a crossroads or a standstill and then the Doctor comes. And the hard decisions... Well, they don't go away so much as get put off.

Which leads me back to Donna I guess. Cause at first, she didn't take the easy road. She could have forgotten about her ruined wedding, the loss of her husband/fiance/whatever, and her joblessness and gone with the Doctor. But she didn't. And I think even though she sought the Doctor, she managed to get through what happened. Dealt with it the best she could have and moved on.



Just finished series 4. Needless to say that even though I've seen parts of it before, I teared up for Donna and the Doctor. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Last Friday Night" - Dave Days [Parody of the Katy Perry song in the last post]

I'm working on this whole posting things. I have picked up two new shows that I'll hopefully write about soon ["Suits" and "Franklin and Bash"].

But back to music videos. This one is actually related to the last post I made seeing as really good [at least in my opinion] parody of Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night." It's by an YouTuber/singer named Dave Days. I haven't really watched much of his previous stuff but I follow him on facebook. Honestly, I can't even remember how I found him but it was mostly probably through other youtubers. All I know is that he has [had?] an obsession with Miley Cyrus... Yeah. Just watch the video [which is Cyrus free].


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Last Friday Night [T.G.I.F.]

So not only do I watch movies and television shows but I watched music videos to boot! And recently Katy Perry's Last Friday Night [T.G.I.F.] music video came out. And what is a little different about this video is we have quite a few special appearances. This includes: Darren Criss [Glee], Kevin McHale [Glee], Rebecca Black [Friday], Hanson, Kenny G [sax player], Cory Feldman [of Lost Boys fame, which is mentioned in the video], and Debbie Gibson [singer].

The concept is actually pretty funny. Dorky girl goes to party, gets made over [a la 80's], has a crazy time and wakes up to her house [which is a mess] and is caught by her parents. Overall, it is pretty good a music video and funny. While keeping with the 80's movie theme, it doesn't go too long or really get boring. Though just to warn you, there is some throwing up which is not for the squeamish [makes me a little sick just thinking about it]. Good for some temporary amusement.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Nine Lives of Chloe King

I started watching this show the other day [via my new outlet, Hulu]. Honestly, I had no inclination to watch this show. The teaser trailers were of no interest to me and nothing about what I had seen lured me into the show. But I had run out of things to watch and since there are no more Doctor Who episodes to watch, I decided to give The Nine Lives of Chloe King a shot... And I'm going to be honest, after watching the first episode, I don't know if I want to continue watching this show.

Maybe it's because it is about a 16 year old girl. Maybe because it reminds me of the slightly ridiculous shows of my youth where the world was completely the same... Save for one thing.

SPOILERS : Read any further and well, that's you're own damn fault for not reading the bold print.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

True Blood: Season 2

My parents never had premium shows. It costs extra money and usually don't have anything worth spending the extra money for another channel. So I watched the first season of True Blood two summers ago when I was dog sitting for my friend. And needless to say... It wasn't really much of anything beyond smut. Soft core porn at best. We were just getting to know the world and the characters we'll be following for however long the series runs.

One thing I love about this show is the opening song "Bad Things" by Jace Everett. It's bluesy and country and even to this day, I still like it.

Anyway... I'm going to watch the second season now. Hopefully it will come with a little refresher because I don't really remember much from the show. I'll write the refreshers as I see them. Hopefully the first two episodes will be enough for this recapping.

Things I'm reminded of:
  • Sookie can read minds
  • This show takes place in the South... And everyone has pretty southern accents...
  • Sookie's friend, Tara, had an exorcism by the victim [who was killed last season but her body has only been found now]
  • Bill is southern and now has a new vampire under his wing [Jessica]
  • Sookie has a brother [Jason]. He was a horny bastard last season but looks like he is making an about face on that...
  • The police office [Andy] is a dumbass
  • Tara's mother is 1 part crazy, 2 parts alcoholic [who is recovering supposedly]
  • Sam owns Merlot. He's attractive.
  • Sookie has a dead grandmother who owned the house before she passed away
  • Hoyt is controlled by his mother
  • Tara has a gay cousin [Lafayette] who is trapped somewhere... He use to cook at Merlot.
  • Sex includes biting most of the time in this show
  • Eric owns that vampire club thing [Fangtasia?]. He's kind of attractive too. But different from Sam attractive.
And that's kind of it for the remembering. Hope that was interesting enough.

Vampires Suck

Like many spoofs, this movie has its up and down moments. Some of the humor takes and some of it doesn't. It probably doesn't help that this is the second time I'm seeing this movie. This means that the effect of the humor I found funny the first time may not be as funny when I first watched.

Some of the characters are spot on with the spoofage. The girl who plays Becca gets it dead on. Her counterpart is a lifeless person who has no personality at all. I do wonder how she stays alive considering all the bad stuff that happens to her.

Digs in the movie that I love:
Jersey Shore douchebags
Catherine Hardwicke 101
The wearing of the bio hazard suit
Catching apple, bowling ball and baby
Use of random Asian kid to save Becca from being crushed by truck [P.S. his protruding arm among other things look very fake]
How Becca couldn't stop laughing after she first sprayed her father with mace
Sullen sponsored blood drive
Finger food
Hamburger face!
Becca blinks... A lot. And throws a massive tantrum
And the months go by and Becca is even more depressing than Bella
Angst levels! I want me one of those machines!
"And you twitch. It's kind of irritating."
Jacob's overall transformation is fabulous.
As if Bella would know which one was the break line...
Of course! That's the vampire's secret to eating people! Hot sauce!
Love the pack <3
Rebound Guy Herbal Tea - Where can I get some? Preferably with a guy
And Iris in a babushka...
Oh Jacob, so easily distracted
And they manage to cram all the titles into the movie
I wonder if anyone would really get a tattoo that says "Insert fangs here"
"Team Jacob, bitch!"

Random crap that was amusing:
Vampire Diaries reference
Shameless promotion of products
  • slurpee
  • cheetos
  • Crest whitening strips
  • Segway
  • The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
  • Ben and Jerry's
Yoga + Pilates = Yogalates
Gossip Girl interlude [would have been better if they got Kristen Bell]
Poor Kardashians
He is definitely a Jonas Brother
Real Housewives of Atlanta = Animals
Tricky Dick comes out to play!
Buffy! You should have been here sooner!
Oh Tay-Tay...
Ken Jeong knows how to party

Ultimately, I'm pretty happy I watched this movie again. Of course it wasn't as funny the second time around but still enjoyable. I'd recommend it as a one night rental kind of deal.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Water for Elephants

So the other night, I watched Water for Elephants with my mom and brother. And of course I was a little hesitant. After some of the crudeness that was seen from Robert Pattinson at the MTV Movie Awards and the fact that... Well, I've mostly only seen him in Twilight movies, I was hesitant. While he has improved in the franchise that has made him oh-so-famous, I couldn't tell if I'd really actually like him in any other role. Or could take him seriously in any other role.

But surprisingly, he did pretty well in Water For Elephants. I had read the synopsis of the story online before I had seen the movie [I never actually planned on watching it]. So I was skeptical if Pattinson could pull off such a serious role. And throughout the whole movie, I probably only giggled at him [not with him] twice. Impressive when it comes to me watching him on screen.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

MTV Movie Awards

As you may have noticed, I kind of like awards shows. They're fun to see what people are wearing and the attempts at jokes. Of course, every host is different as well. So naturally I had to watch. Especially because the MTV Movie Awards can get kind of crazy.

Thoughts during other bits
CHELSEA! Love her <3 And of course a drink is her signature.
It wouldn't be hard to lose Taylor Lautner I imagine.
Oooo, encouraging underage drinking = no-no!
What is up with coconut water?
Haha <3 Eva Mendes is pretty awesome.
Going to get bored with this Hangover knock off really fast...
Twilight country... Hm, where is Paramore...?
Ok... maybe it's because I haven't seen Valentine's Day but Taylor Lautner cannot really do funny...
And I don't know how I feel about this host, Jason Sudeikis. He is... not really that funny. Though I liked the jab at MTV executives.
King's Speech infinitely > Twilight
Too many Schwarzenegger jokes for this early in the show
Good Ashton joke but delivery could have been better

Oh Steve Carrell. You still kind of annoy me with your humor.
Jim Carrey, I love your suit even if there are humping dogs on it.
Not a big Foo Fighters fan. I like their stuff enough but not enough to buy a CD.
Oh Aziz Ansari

Didn't know the boulder had a name...
Um... This is getting really dirty...

No songs... please... Ugh.... Not going well so far.
Poor David [from Foo Fighters].
Thank god this is the last song... And there were definitely some issues with the sound the the actual speaking of the actors.
Ugh, Donald Trump imagery...

Award moments of what can happen when you text and drive. Specifically if you are going 80mph.
That guy shouldn't have a trailer. Seriously.

Lupe Fiasco/Trey Songz performance is pretty good. Love this song "The Show Goes On"

And this host is not funny. I don't care if he is from SNL... Most of his lines are flopping tonight.
Even the other people are pointing it out

Gary Busey! <3 You are insane and it's wonderful. And I love that you do comedy that is kid friendly.

Best Male Performance
Jesse Eisenberg
Robert Pattinson - He has improved in the Twilight movies [which we all know is why he really won]. I haven't gone to see Water for Elephants but it looks pretty good.
Daniel Radcliffe
Zac Effron
Taylor Lautner

Best Villain
Leighton Meester
Christroph Waltz
Ned Beatty [Toy Story 3's Lots-O bear]
Tom Felton - While he is better than R-Patz acting why, he probably won more for his fan base then for truly earning it. I do like him... But I feel like he isn't really a villain in the films... He's too passive to really be considered a villain.
Mickey Rourke

Best Jaw Dropping Moment
Natelie Portman
Ellen Page/Leonardo DiCaprio
Justin Bieber - Seriously... This is definitely pathetic. He should NOT NOT NOT have even been nominated. The Bieber-ites or whatever his fans call themselves need to get real.
James Franco

Best Fight
Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe vs Death Eaters
Joesph Gordon-Levitt vs Hallway Attacker
Robert Pattinson vs  Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel - Ok, this scene was probably one of the better scenes in the movie but definitely not the winner in my opinion. And the teenie boppers rise again. This is why I like movie award shows for normal people who vote.
Amy Adams vs the Sisters
Chloë Grace Moretz vs. Mark Strong

Best Kiss
Taylor Lautner and Kristin Stewart
Natilie Portman and Mila Kunis
Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe
Joesph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page
Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson - Why stop their reign of terror now? I'm pretty sure this is the 3rd win for them in this category... And what an awkward display of affection between R-Pattz and Tay-Tay

Generation Award
I like Reese Witherspoon. Probably one of my favorite actresses. And Robert Pattinson needs a muzzle. And I agree with Ausiello on this one. Thank you Chelsea Handler for cleaning up that disaster. And thank you Reese Witherspoon for getting the joke right.

Best Line From a Movie [new category]
The Social Network
Easy A
Grown Ups - "I want to get chocolate wasted!" I like that line even though I think that kid needs to get out of there ASAP. Though I did like the Easy A line ["There's a higher power that will judge you for your indecency." "Tom Cruise?"].

Best Scared-As-S**t Performance
Ashley Bell
Minka Kelly
Ryan Reynolds
Jessica Szohr
Ellen Page - She was awesome in Inception. <3

Best Female Performance
Jennifer Aniston
Natalie Portman
Kristen Stewart - I think even she realizes she shouldn't be winning this award. Which makes me respect her... A little.
Emma Stone
Emma Watson

Biggest Badass Star [Needed to look this one up because it got cut off during the show]

Alex Pettyfer
Chloë Grace Moretz [?] - According to twitter right now, she won. Don't know who she is and I can't really say anything bad about her because of that. Though I do like me some Alex Pettyfer <3 Oh and some Joseph Gordon-Levitt <3 He was badass in Inception [the most badass movie of the year]
Jaden Smith
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Robert Downey Jr.

Best Breakout Star [another no show so I had to go to the interwebs to find the winner]
Andrew Garfield
Chloë Grace Moretz [?] - Again this is according to what I am finding on Twitter. And again, I really don't have anything to say about her. Though Jay Chou was pretty awesome in The Green Hornet.
Hailee Steinfeld
Olivia Wilde
Jay Chou
Xavier Samuel

Best Comedic Performance
Zach Galifianakis
Emma Stone - Finally, a decision I can stand behind. Probably because most people don't find the Twilight movies as funny as I do.
Ashton Kutcher
Adam Sandler
Russell Brand

Best movie
Twilight: Eclipse - What a disappointment. I've seen 4 out of 5 of these movies [not Black Swan] and I could easily say that any of the other movies deserved this award more.
Black Swan
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Social Network

Movie Previews
Super 8
I've seen previews for the movie but honestly... Not catching my eye at this point. Even with all the mystery. Dunno if this preview is making me want to see it anymore. Sounds kind of like an alien movie if you ask me. Kind of apocalyptic. Though I do love me some Steven Spielberg

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Regardless, I'm seeing it. I can't stop now. My love for HP is never ending. PS going to HP world sometime on July 8th or 9th. I'm excited beyond words.

Fright Night
Ok, not really one of the preview previews but... I want to see it... If only for the fact that David Tennant is in it. <3 I do like scary movies

Twilight- Breaking Dawn pt 1
Woah... We actually saw some bedroom scene. I thought they would hold out on that a little longer. I don't know if I'm going to see this in theaters or not. I saw 1 and 3 in theaters. Maybe if I can see it with someone I'll go... And it needs to be someone who won't be offended by my laughter.


Overall, I thought this year's MTV Movie Awards was the most inappropriate yet. Which is funny because the percent of young people [maybe 10-14] was probably at it's highest due to the Twilight films. And yes, I get that mostly under 25, females people of all ages go to see it but the demographic for the books is pre-teen... Well, at least the writing style is made for that age group. Dunno if the topics are really all that close to that age group.

Either way, wasn't impressed with the show and may not watch next year. Maybe I would if Russell Brand was back. At least he only alluded to things and left the rest up to you to think about.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lady Gaga

Now one probably wouldn't expect it from just looking at me and having a few short conversations but I love Lady Gaga. It's my musical obsession of the moment. While she hasn't made it to my favorite artist[s] title, she is probably at #2.

And now you're thinking "This blog is about watching things, no?" And I am talking about watching something. All of Lady Gaga's music videos are pretty out there and usually take another step with each new video. But the most recent video "Judas" is actually taking a step back from the crazy and more to the dancing. It's pretty phenomenal in my opinion.

I love that while there is still a story, the dancing makes a big part of it and I can actually focus on it. Usually I'm so involved in the story that I can't be bothered with the dancing. And Lady Gaga is an excellent dancer. I think many people forget about that. Her moves are clean and crisp. She doesn't half ass her moves and she makes you want to dance with her [till you realize you'd probably injure yourself if you aren't remotely a dancer].

Another thing I noted was her appearance. I definitely liked some of the outfits and not so much on others. I really liked the close up shots of her makeup though. I love those because I love crazy makeup that you couldn't really use in real life. It's costume-ish but amazing and sleek.

And the music video isn't that long. So watch it as I have posted it below.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pregnant in Heels

If there is one person I have to admire, it has to be Rosie Pope. She is quirky and a little bit sarcastic without coming off as harsh.  She keeps it real while sugar coating it when she can.

And some of the women she deals with are completely insane. There are two clients that stand out as being super crazy at this point.

Crazy mom to be number one was a woman who had 4-5 weeks to get married before having her baby. Of course, she doesn't have anything planned nor does she have a dress. So she just walks into Rosie's store asking for help. And Rosie can't seem to say no to anyone.

So the first step is making the wedding dress. Rosie also happens to be a designer [I think] and is going to design the dress. And she makes a really nice dress that is big because that's how it should go; from bigger to fitted. Well this NY crazy isn't having that because Rosie can't alter the dress that day. So the nut job takes it to her own tailor who apparently butchers the dress. And this woman is blowing up about it... And I just want to say "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU HAD THE DESIGNER READY TO WORK ON THE DRESS THE SHE WORKED HARD ON AND YOU TOOK IT TO A MORON!" If you can't tell, I do NOT feel sorry for this woman.

Of course, that is ignoring the other part of her story. She has gestational diabetes [the wiki page if you don't know what that is] and has gained 80 pounds during her pregnancy [which is unnatural according to Rosie]. She went through IVF [being 40 years old and having eggs frozen before] and says that she gained weight before the pregnancy. This woman keeps telling Rosie that she hasn't been eating badly [despite having crap food all around the apartment] and that she doesn't know why she has gained so much weight.  Rosie points out that with the diabetes, this woman should be taking her diet seriously and she hasn't been. The denial just drives me insane.

And then there is mommy-to-be 2... Her and her husband are definitely nut-so. They take their baby naming very seriously. Now, I get that a baby name reflects a lot of things: the baby, the parents, the family. But to have a focus group? A focus group is used in marketing research where a bunch of random people [in this place, a bunch of executives] are put in a room with a product or service [the information anyway] and they basically point out all the good and bad aspects. Rosie also collected a group of experts [linguists, poet, baby naming expert, etc] to help work on the naming... And in the end, they ignored what everyone said and went with the name that no one but them liked... Seriously? Insanity. Pure insanity.

I wish I had enough money to be that crazy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tabatha's Salon Takeover

It's that one really guilty pleasure show that I think I have that I watch again and again. I love this show and I never hesitate to put it on when I see it on the TV guide.

For those who don't know, this is a show where Tabatha Coffey [Shear Genius and appearances on Make Me  A Supermodel, The Tyra Banks show and The Biggest Loser] goes to failing salons and works her magic. She is very outspoken and blunt with what she has to say. And with the people she helps, it's needed.

And it isn't just about the product provided to the clients, like the hair cuts and the color. It's also about the business portion of running a salon. Tabatha is a mix of business saavy owner and edgy stylist. That can be a hard thing to accomplish but she pulls it off flawlessly. That isn't to mean that she is perfect. She loses her temper like anyone else does or would.

But I love watching her work. She isn't afraid to point out when someone is doing something poorly and her answer for stylists who don't work up to par isn't fire them. She knows when there is a potential and when there is none. And not everyone takes her advice to the t and it still works out. And sometimes they don't take her advice and it doesn't always work out.

Definitely recommend this show [it's on Bravo for those in the US who are wondering]

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Voice

Yeah, that show with that chick who used to compete against Britney Spears [Christina Aguilera] and the dude from Maroon 5 [Adam Lavine], the dude with the song that had to modified because children listen to the radio [Ceelo Green] and the country dude [Blake Shelton].

Gotta be honest, like it way better than American Idol. For once, I know who the judges are [for the most part] and they don't really have any time to say anything irrelevant.

Oh, and the concept is pretty cool. For those of you who don't know, the judges [the people I listed above] are facing the audience. They do not see the person singing and can only judge him/her/them based on his/her/their voice[s]. If they really like the voice, the hit the button in front of them and the chair spins around. If only one person hits the button when the song is through, the singer will be mentored by that judge.

Then here comes the tricky part... "But what if more than one judge turns around?" you may ask... And it's simple... The singer has the power at this point. He/she/them get to decide who they want to be their mentor. Of course, the judges have a little bit of time to plead his/her case. Essentially, this gives control to the artist.

Pretty phenomenal if I do say so myself. There is a draw back to this of course. All the people who perform for the judges are pre-screened. Don't know how that works but basically you don't have too many bad singers in the bunch. Of course, that can depend on your tastes in music too.

Either way, I think I'm going to try and keep up with this show. If only to see Adam Levine's facial expressions. Because they are f-ing amusing.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Breaking In

So, I just found out that I can watch tv shows on the comcast website. WTF? How did I not know this before?! Having this feature is certainly nice since my mother insisted I bring home my TV two weeks before moving out of my apartment.

Anyway... that's how I found this show. I had remember seeing some commercials but I'm a really hard person to pull into a show sometimes... Mostly because I forget when the show is on.

And I'll admit, it isn't the best show but it's still pretty good for a half hour. I've only watched 4 episodes so far and I'll probably keep going while it keeps my attention.

Essentially, it is about this hacker [Cam] who is conned convinced to join Contra Security. It is a company that tests out the security of it's customers and finds any flaws. The cast is made up of a bunch of nutters interesting people.

We have our main guy, Cam. He was attending Loyola Technical School [and had been for 7 years] before they hired Contra. This is when we Oz, the boss of Contra Security. He finds out about Cam's little "full-ride scholarship" and forces convinces Cam to join his team. Oz is quite quirky and seems to know everything about everyone. It's quite scary sometimes. He's also 10 steps ahead of your next planned step. Crazy funny to boot.

And we have the rest of the team. There is Cash, who is the ultimate fanboy and techie. His particular fandom of choice that we've seen so far is Star Wars focused. He is also the resident prankster and of course he tends to take it way to far sometimes.

There is also the lock picker and safe cracker, Melanie. She's had a troubled past with her father being sent to jail and all. And she's the love interest only girl on the squad. According to Oz, she's that mad crazy chick you should not be involved with. Of course, that doesn't stop Cam from trying to pursue her.

But this is largely deterred since she has her boyfriend, Dutch. He is kind of loud and obnoxious but actually seems to know how to woo a girl. Strange. Anyway, he somehow ends up on the team of misfits security breakers by the third episode.

And there is Josh. He isn't a major part of the show but he is the master of disguise. Definitely worth a laugh or two. He is in a kind of pseudo fight with Cam to be on top... Not that Cam is really on top anyway...

Maybe I'll keep up with this show... Or maybe not. We'll see just how bored I get next week.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Gonna be honest, you can find a lot of amusing things on youtube that you would have never seen otherwise. Of course, getting recommendations from friends makes navigating the site much more enjoyable. Basically this is a youtube spam recommendations post. Here are some of the amusing videos I've watched these past few days:

A tip of the hat to the history buffs out there.

For those who who aren't easily offended by a Hitler v.s. Jesus video, offensive language or surprises.


I'd want a husky just so it could say awesome things.

I'm not a big baseball fan but this is an awesome video. But I'm biased cause I'm a Phillies phan. <3


Got a favorite youtube video? Leave a link in a comment. <3 And hopefully I can get back to real posts soon.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I know... haven't been posting...

Outside of my lack of actually watching stuff, I've had other issues. If you're interested, you can view my computer issues here at my other blog.

And I'm sorry though there is only one person really following this. I feel like I've disappointed myself more so than anyone else. I'm working on it. Maybe a post on America's Best Dance Crew or Mob Wives? Or maybe on the return of Glee this Tuesday. We'll see...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let's Play LEGO Hanky Potter

It's been four whole days since I've posted on my watching something... Not that I haven't been watching things [Glee and... More Glee]. Right now, I've found this wonderful YouTube channel... Where you can watch Hank Green play LEGO Harry Potter [and other video games]... Or as he refers to it as LEGO Hanky Potter.

It's fantastic and amuses me much so. He's all sorts of silly and it only gets better when his wife joins the fray. I've played a bit of LEGO Harry Potter [of course, not the Wii version] and my natural instinct is to be all "YOU'RE MISSING THE SHINY THINGS BY HITTING THOSE OTHER THINGS!" But then again, that's how I am.

What makes these videos even more fantastic? They've read the books and make those comments all those who have read the books and played the game think. You here them make a comment and you all "OMG! I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!"

It got me and a friend thinking that we could do something like that... If we can get past the whole getting the game play to show up on the YouTube without putting a video camera on the screen or something. I like to think I'm pretty amusing to listen to while I play a video game. I've been told so by many people... Only other problem would be much of what I would say may have to be bleeped. I tend to swear a lot when I'm playing sometimes... 

For those who don't know who Hank Green is, he is well known as being part of the vlogbrothers youtube channel that he shares with his brother, John Green. Honestly, haven't really followed them much and all I've got so far... is that they are nerd fighters? Maybe this will explain it better.

Also, I apologize for all the caps in this post. I don't normally get this excited about anything... But it's Harry Potter related and therefore requires some caps. One day I will hopefully post my commentary for the Harry Potter movies that I've done so far.

So... Yeah, that's it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl [commercials and everything but football]

Yes, I watch the Superbowl. It's really the one sports event that I actually watch. And even though I don't have any attachment to either team, I had to pick one. So I decided to go with the Green Bay Packers. And my instincts aren't wrong. <3

And yes, even though I am a female, I do know the basics of football. I can follow the game with ease. I just have no interest in watching after years of watching high school and college football [my own school teams who were perpetual losers].

Opening singers
Loved Lea Michele. She did a great job, as I expected she would do. She's a live performer through and through. She knows what she is doing.

Christina Aguilera... I was so distracted by her cringe-worthy version of the national anthem that I didn't realize she flubbed the words. I didn't find out till it was posted on Twitter via Perez Hilton and Michael Ausiello. Personally, I despise when people add a bunch of blah to the national anthem, which is what she did. When you do that, you turn it into something else [And 99% of the time, it's bad]. For future note, I also don't like the Whitney Houston version of the national anthem.

Half time show
Liked it but not in love with it. I could have done without Fergie's "Sweet Child o' Mine" and Usher could have actually done some singing.

Fergie basically butchered "Sweet Child o' Mine," which is sad when I think she could have done it fairly well. What the hell was with the voice? She was singing with some sort of weird accent or something. It just did not sound natural with her and even if you hadn't heard her before, you'd know something was off. She wasn't being herself with the performance.

Normally, I love Usher. I like his songs, they're catchy and get stuck in your head [in a good way]... But he really just was not needed. It was like he was there for star power alone because he sure as hell did not sing. And I get it, he's dancing a storm up and stuff... But I'd prefer they have his full vocals pre-recorded than what happened on that stage. He was just... There to look pretty, no?

And I'm seeing that a lot of people were not happy with the Black Eyed Peas' performance but I thought it was pretty good for them. Honestly, I don't expect miracles and did not expect to have great vocals from them. People should know to not to focus on that with them. The Black Eyed Peas is a whole package. The singing, the dancing, the outfits. You need to take it all into account.

Loved the outfits for sure. Such a cool super futuristic feeling to them. And I liked the whole glowing theme. It was very them. The overall theme was great and kept me entertained .

Commercials [which really means the ones I actually paid attention to]

The Force [VW]: This is currently my new favorite commercial ever. Not just this year. Not just for a superbowl ad... Best commercial EVER! It did everything a commercial is suppose to do. It was funny while making sure you knew who this commercial was for. To compare, I think of the Snicker's commercial last year with Betty White. It was a great commercial, funny with a message... A message that got lost. It took me forever to even think about what product was being sold in the commercial!

Alauntra: Got a headache from the commercial. Made me dizzy and a little nauseated.

Chrysler: I actually kind of like the one with Eminem in it... As weird as that seems to me. It's kind of touching, even if it takes forever to really find out which car company is doing the advertising.

Movies I'm excited for: Captain America

Movies I could care less about: Thor, PotC 4, Ringo

Movies I will be looking up on Wikipedia later: Super 8, Limitless

NFL: I liked the little reel of different shows. Definitely liked the Happy Days scenes. Kudos NFL.

Mercedes Benz: I just thought "Hm, I can't remember if Sean "P. Diddy" Combs has been in a commercial before but I don't think he has... Which is weird cause he's kind of a sellout..."

House: The one with the churro kid... Epic. Love Hugh Laurie [even if I forget he's British all the time].

Camero: Amusing. Love the commentary by the guys who are making up the story. Twist ending.

Sketchers: Eh... I don't know if it's cause it's Kim Kardashian but something was just off. Kind of had an amateur quality to the directing maybe.

Final Note

Just a final note, I'm super excited for Glee after the Superbowl tonight. Even though I'm incredibly pissed at iTunes for taking down the Thriller/Heads Will Roll mash up for a few days [before I was going to buy it]... And I may not buy it from them just to make a point. Either way, I'm psyched for this because... Well,  I want to see the entirety of the Thriller/Heads Will Roll scene. Honestly, I could not have thought of a better mash up than this one. It's like... Ultimate and sounds great from the bits I've heard.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Social Network

Yes, I caved. The mom wanted to rent another movie and when browsing, we found The Social Network. I wanted to know what the heck made this movie win so many awards. It's not because the movie caused an honest need to see it with riveting trailers or anything...

And I have to admit, the movie was pretty good. It's a little hard to follow at first because we jump from past to present. The past is basically where "Mark Zuckerberg" [Jesse Eisenberg] is dumped by his then girlfriend, and ultimately causes him to create a site where girls at Harvard are ranked based on their physical appearance. He creates this site from scratch... While blogging [on livejournal which makes me laugh]... While drunk. That's pretty awesome and it's pretty awesome to watch actually... Even though it's only an actor. Anyway, the entire setting up of "Zuckerberg's" life as he creates the Facebook is the past.

The present is where "Zuckerberg" is fighting two financial battles. One is against his former [?] best friend, Eduardo and the guy who plays him, Andrew Garfield, is insanely attractive in my book. Right now, he'd be my one time celebrity pass. If you don't know what that means, you're too young to know. The second battle is against the Winklevoss twins and their business partner [not particular important], who claim that "Zuckerberg" stole their idea [the HarvardConnection which later became ConnectU].

In the past, we follow "Zuckerberg" as he becomes heavily invested in his creation, the strain of his relationship friendship and working partnership with Eduardo [who becomes involved with crazy bitch Wendy Wu Brenda Song], his blooming bromance relationship partnership with J.T. Dance Party Sean Parker [dude of original Napster] and how much he kind of sucks at normal life. Also, him and Eduardo break up go their separate ways when "Zuckerberg" and J.T. Dance Party Parker somewhat trick Eduardo into letting his shares into being diluted while everyone elses' shares remained intact.

In the present, we find "Zuckerberg" is even more invested in his project than the beginning. Even while he is being sued, he doesn't have much time to devote any of his attention to these cases. The Facebook is numero uno. Ultimately, settlements were reached for both and the one amateur junior lawyer tells "Zuckerberg" that they are settling because... Basically, "Zuckerberg"'s personality would get him no sympathy from a jury and the story is just... "Zuckerberg" would not win.

Oh and J.T. Dance Party Sean Parker was caught with some interns and some coke [and not the cola kind]. He wandered off to jail or something... We don't see anything else about him really. But again, outside of kind of turning "Zuckerberg" away from his relationship with Eduardo, he had no purpose.

Overall, while my summary here doesn't really do the movie justice, I wouldn't consider it to be completely awesomely great. The acting was superb and the storyline moving but I just... The transitioning could definitely have used some work. And some of the scenes could have used work. There is one in particular that comes to mind: "Zuckerberg" and J.T. Dance Party Parker are in a club and the music is absolutely blasting... And I get it but... We can barely hear what the characters are saying. I can't even tell if that was the entire purpose of the scene. This happens somewhere else in the movie but I can't remember when.

I'd say see it. It's worth the time in my opinion but I can't decide if it's worth buying or even renting again. Maybe one day in the upcoming snowy weeks. Cause we all know that damn groundhog is gonna see his shadow.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Case 39

This is probably the first movie in while that I'm gonna be watching blind for all intensive purposes. I have not googled it, wiki-ed it or even read the summary.

Not a big fan of Renee Zellweger. Kind of a boring actress to me... But my mom wanted to see it.


She seems to be playing a social worker for lots of children [her name is Emily]. She currently has 38 cases she is dealing with when she gets case 39 [hence, title of movie]. There is a picture of a little girl, kind of dressed in an old school fashion, with long, brown hair. Obviously, this is going to be the focus of the movie.

Miss Zellweger heads home, listening to her answering machine that leads her to meeting up at a bar with a guy friend, Doug [Bradley Cooper]. Basically, he offers to have a friends with benefits relationship, since her workload seems to inhibit a real relationship. He says he'll only give her a month... And maybe another... And another. But that's it.

We wander back to looking through the case. Nothing seems overly suspicious from the case file so a visit to the home is in order. The woman she meets with is awfully creepy and seems to not keep track of time [she doesn't know that it is the 17th, the day of their meeting]. Eventually the woman lets her in and we meet Lily, the little girl from the picture. Emily tries to talk to the whole family, with the father not being happy at having to be a part of it.

Apparently, Lily has been showing signs of severe neglect and Emily basically points out that there is a problem in the family if these things are happening. The father, Eddy, won't speak directly to Emily. He speaks to his wife who in turn, talks to Emily. When questioned, the wife says that he doesn't like to speak out in anger. There is something off with this family.

Eventually, the family is brought into the social work place and they appear a little more normal. A case can't really be brought if they can't find a good reason. Emily goes to talk to Lily, who is very shy and closed off. The little girl opens up, saying that they hate her. She says that they go into the saw room and talk about how they are going to hurt her. When trying to get it on tape, she changes her story, that they didn't say that.

Emily goes to a guy towards Mike in order to get some help.

We go back to Lily, who is watching her father using a sledgehammer in the basement.

Emily visits Lily at school. The girl says a rather disturbing thing "If I disappear, will you look for me?" Before the bus leaves, Emily gives Lily her home phone number in case of an emergency.

One night, Lily calls. She says they're going to get her. She's falling asleep and Emily is frightened and races off to Lily's home. We see a scene where Lily is lying under her bed and her parents find her. We watch as she is placed in the oven by her parent. She wakes up just as they shut the door. She tries to escape but they get her back in the oven.

Emily and Mike [an officer] get into the kitchen in time and get Lily out of the oven. Mike takes down both the parents.

We fast forward to court, where the parents [both in orange jump suits] will put under psychological testing. It will be determined if they can even testify in court. Emily is upset with this but there is nothing she can do. After being taken out of the hospital, Lily is taken to a group home. The girl wants to live with Emily, but it just would never work with the busy schedule that Emily has and the fact that she's not a foster parent.

It touches Emily and she works to get the right to take care of Lily until they can find a good home for her. And all is good... But this is fairly early in the movie, so obviously that can't be all. I suspect there is something wrong with the kid [Think the movie Orphan with that creepy woman who looked like a kid].

We watch Emily go to the house to get some things of Lily's. It's a really creepy place. Emily wanders downstairs to the basement and sees a hole big enough for a child in the cement floor. After gathering some thing from Lily's room, Emily wanders into the parents' room. There is a crack in the floor... Emily closes the door to the room and we move on.

We are watching the children in the group therapy with Doug. Emily comes by after wards and tells him that the parents seemed to barracked themselves in their room at night.

The head guy wants to see Emily in his office... Turns out that Diego, a young boy that was one of Emily's clients, had killed his parents with a tire iron. When Emily goes to meet with him, he's distraught with the fact that he killed his parents. He seems to honestly be upset and probably doesn't even understand why he did it. If I remember correctly, he was at group therapy.

Emily and Lily have a little talk on the beach, where it is revealed why she is a social worker [never knew her father and her mother had many problems]. At a later point, we find that Lily has been snooping and found a picture of Emily and her mother. We go into the story of Emily's mother dying in a car accident.

Emily and Mike go out to eat and we see an article about the parents, who may be able to get out with the insanity plea. But there is something different he wanted to talk about. Diego's house received a call right before he killed his parents... From Emily's house. The two talk to Lily, who claims that she didn't call Diego.

Mike says she's lying. Lily asks Emily if she believes that she didn't make the call. She says she does.

We jump to Emily who is visiting Diego. He has a panic attack and eventually nods when Emily asks if it was Lily. Then we get him saying something about a man.

Emily is suspicious but pretends that everything is fine. We go to Doug who is talking to Lily. He notices that she said that nothing on his survey scares her. Eventually, Lily says that she scares herself. Some of her thoughts are not so nice. She gets this dark persona, where she intimidates and acts superior with Doug. And lightens up a little when she asks him if he wants to talk about school now.

Naturally, Doug is freaked out, telling Emily that he will call a specialist in the morning.

With Emily and Lily at dinner, the girl tries to prod into whether or not Doug has told Emily about their meeting. Emily says no but it takes a few tries for Lily to be convinced.

After being tucked into bed, we see what Doug is doing. He is researching things such as multiple personality syndrome when he gets a mysterious phone call. With no one seemingly on the other side, he hangs up. Suddenly, there is a buzzing in his ear. After going to the bathroom, he finds out it was a wasp [something her told Lily he was afraid of]. And then wasp after wasp after wasp is coming out of his body. Eventually, he gets a cut on his head and falls over. He's dead.

We see Emily and Lily at his funeral. Emily lets go of the girl's hand, which makes Lily suspicious. Apparently Emily is a very good liar.

Emily tries to talk to Mike, saying that Lily had to have something to do with it. She confesses to him about the bolts on the parents' bedroom door. She thinks something had gotten into the room and the parents didn't want it in again.

Emily goes against the rules and pries into the case file that the new social worker has [she had to let the case go due to conflict of interest]. There is a video tape of the mother confessing... Telling the person that her "daughter" is the devil. That all their family had been killed since she had been born. Emily goes to visit the parents in the psychward. The mother is indisposed but she talks to the father. He asks her right off the bat who died. He says that Lily brought something with her when she was born.

Emily is terrified and hides all the potential weapons, phones, and dangerous things... But she takes one knife for herself and hides it in the couch. Lily comes home from the bus and asks what happened with all the phones. And then she brings up her mother, asking if Emily how her mother is. Emily never mentioned visiting her to Lily.

When Emily goes to pick up Lily, she sees the girl whispering something in another girl's ear. Fearful that Lily has done something, she drags the Lily out of group [and is reprimanded by the new psychologist]. Emily tells Lily that she can't go to group anymore. As they go down in the elevator, the wires supposedly snap. Emily is terrified while Lily is indifferent. Eventually, they reach the first floor fine. The wires didn't snap.

Emily tries to convince Mike that the parents aren't crazy. Mike is concerned for his friend and tells her to go get help. Emily adds bolts to her bedroom door. Eventually, in the office, Emily completely freaks out at a woman. Wade hears this and tells her to go home... But she doesn't want to go home. His cell phone rings and he says it's for her. It's Lily saying that Emily should leave her home alone. And suddenly, no one is there. No Wade, no anybody.

When she gets home, Emily immediately locks herself in her room. A rain storm comes and Lily begs Emily to let her in. It starts with just childish pleading but turns into loud, almost scary [if they weren't coming from a child] demands. Hearing something in her closet, Emily opens the door [knife in hand] and finds nothing in there. When she walks in a little further, a zombie-esque person chases after Emily. The woman runs out of the house and finds a bus driver who eventually lets her in. But the creature has disappeared. When Emily tries to drive away, Lily is in the back of the car and tells Emily that she is to let the girl do whatever she wants.

Emily meets with the woman who is suppose to find Lily a family. And apparently she's found one... Which makes Emily scared.

Emily meets with the father again. He says the only way to to get rid of her is when she sleeps but she doesn't sleep much. The night they came a busted in was the first night she had slept in 3 months. After wards, the father attacks a man who relays some sort of message from Lily. He subsequently dies in all the fighting.

Emily goes back to Mike who has something to tell her. Lily made the phone call to Doug from her cell phone. He has the message recorded. So they make a plan to get Lily. Emily gets some sleeping pills from the doctor.

We see Mike walking to a parking garage and there is a mysterious dog popping up everywhere. When he gets in his car, the dog is there and he attempts to shoot the dog. Instead, he shoots himself. Emily finds out when Wade calls her. Emily tells Lily to get out of her house and makes Lily get very upset. We see the girl's face change slightly with her anger.

Eventually, Emily runs to her bedroom, terrified. However, Lily breaks down all the barriers. When asked what she wants, the girl replies that she only wants to be loved by he

r mother. Emily agrees to this and goes to tuck Lily into bed. She makes the girl a cup of sleep pill laced tea. While the girl supposedly is sleeping, Emily sets the house on fire...

Lily escapes and this terrifies Emily. The cops lead Emily and Lily by car to a place where they can stay the night... But Emily deviates and loses them. Lily gets nervous and Emily begins to see things. She sees the accident with her mother all over again, except she's her mother. However, she manages to break Lily's hold and sees that it isn't real.

Emily asks Lily if she is scared and the girl monster has a terrified look on her face. Emily drives the car off into a body of water. When they hit the water, the back seats fall down and both females are thrown into the front of the car. Eventually, Emily manages to throw Lily, who is changing, into the trunk. Emily manages to open the door [The car was fully submerged for all you mythbusters out there] and begins swimming up. A large, somewhat grotesque hand reaches out [I think from one of the headlights] and grabs her ankle. Emily manages to break the montster's grip and swims to the surface.

It's that whole damn rebirth thing when she breaks through the top of the water. She emerges from the water a new person. We close watching Emily just watching the sunset from the area she drove off the car.


Overall... Not spectacular but probably better than most of the movies I've seen with Renee Zellweger. I honestly wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless you are interested in thriller movies. It's kind of psychological but honestly, the only thing that got to me as people popping out of no where. I can't stand that and it gets me every time.

They've got some special features, which kind of has me excited... Probably because the last few movies had next to none. We get to see the general background of the movie. All the main actors get some talking time about what it was like. Jodelle Ferland [the girl who played Lily] has actually been in a lot of things. Wiki it. And for die-hard Twilight fans, yes, it's the girl who played Bree Tanner in the third film. Though I doubt this happened, sorry but not really if you stumbled on here by accident.

We also get a glimpse of some of the scenes, such as Lily's mother screaming because she is in the oven and her arms are on fire and the death scene by hornets of Doug [which they spent 2 days on O.o; ]. We also see how they did the whole torching of the house. It was a pretty extensive rig up they had. If only I wasn't science-handicapped, this would be an awesome career to have.

In the area of deleted scenes, we mostly see unneeded scenes or scenes that are explained somewhere else in the movie. It doesn't surprise me that there were a lot of these extra scenes cut from the movie. Sounded like the director or writer or whoever does storyboards went crazy with it.

There is one alternative ending, where Lily and Emily are saved by a stranger. As Emily is loaded into an ambulance, Lily looks on. We go to Lily's mom, who is watching the news of the incident. We switch to Emily, who demands to talk to whoever has Lily. Next we see Lily, who is with her new family, who welcomes her with open arms. Honestly, I'm glad they didn't go with it. Left it open for a sequel and bleh. It really wasn't as intense.

The best part: My mom rented this movie and fell asleep... She does during most movies so it was really no surprise to me.

Well, the end of yet another thing watched. Until I watch and write again.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fashion Police [Golden Globes 2011]

As I'm watching the Fashion Police, I'm going to put my own comments as they go through each actress. I won't bother with the men save for listing which ones I love:

Matt Bromer [White Collar comes back tomorrow! <3]
Robert Pattinson [He was clean! It's a miracle! <3]
Chris Colfer [Winner if there ever was one! <3]
Jim Parsons [Another awesome winner! <3]

And off to comment on the ladies!

January Jones [George's best dressed nominee]
It just seems a little slutty-ish. I just didn't feel like she looked classy enough. And her boobs looked smooshed. I do like the hair and make up though.

Sofia Vergara
Loved it! Red is definitely her color. The color is hard to see in photos though. Though don't care for the little corset holes in the back.They just weren't really needed.

Julianne Moore
The shoulder is kind of weird It's all poofy and awkward. It looks all sorts off with her hair in my opinion. Kind of a little lumpy/frumpy. I do like the necklace though but it's taken away from with that arm thing.

Christina Hendricks
Maybe a different color because it meshes weird with the big hair. Agree with the whole "maybe if she didn't have her hair all out like that with the shoulder piece" it would have been better. Very her though with the va-va-va-voom.

Angelina Jolie [Kelly's best dressed nominee]
Very pretty. Loved the high front, low back. It's great to see her being so classy now-a-days. Fitted just right and I like the green [which looks better in the videos than the pictures].

Mila Kunis
It's a nice dress but not my particular taste. The bottom half  is kind of just wrinkly and the gathering is all blah and awkward. Do like the top part though.

Vanessa Williams
Very sparkly... I think more could have been done with the shoulder.

Sandra Bullock
I just.. Don't care for the whole look. She has this super soft and flowy dress [beautiful by the way] with a severe haircut. So it's an attempt at being pretty while one is angry.

Scarlett Johansson
She looks very drowned out in this dress. Again, it's the color. If it had been maybe a shade darker it would have been fabulous. It's hard for me to separate her skin from the dress even with the pattern of the dress. And I see the Bride of Frankenstein hair too!

Anne Hathaway [Julianna's best dressed nominee*]
I really don't like the whole shoulder pad trend but the dress overall is nice. Sparkly is definitely in this season. It doesn't seem like something she would normally wear. Do love her the overall look for the most part.

Catherine Zeta-Jones
Very princess-y. She always looks glamorous and fancy. <3 I really like the material pattern. She's naturally all over great.

Jennifer Lopez
Love the dress, hate the veil on her shoulders. If the design on the veil thing had been straight on the dress, would probably love more. I love the sparkly stars on the veil. Very starry sky to me.

Heidi Klum [George's worst dressed nominee]
I do like the colors but I don't like how it doesn't fit on her. I kind of agree with the whole "It's not really fancy enough." And the front is just so not necessary and bulky. Can't tell if those are bows or knots.

Megan Fox
I like the top part of her but I don't like the bottom. The front slit is just... Ew. And it's just kind of weird for me. Very high heel. O.o;

Nicole Kidman
It's just... Ok. Not really mind blowing or anything. Just... Nice. Nothing in particular stands out to me with this dress. Bow looks kind of like a little girl's hair bow.

Halle Berry
Kind of looks like lingerie on the top. Another kind of slutty dress. It just doesn't look like a Golden Globe dress...

Michelle Williams [Julianna's worst dressed nominee*]
Not really liking it. I don't care for the white daisy flowers on the tan dress. It makes me think beach wedding. Just kind of blah.

Helena Bohnam Carter
Haha, I think she is just always so amusing with her dresses. Her hair is crazy, two different color shoes and a crazy colorful dress! She just is!

Natalie Portman
The rose is just so weird. Maybe if it had been smaller and no stem, it would have been nice. I can't believe she's wearing those shoes!

Emma Stone
I don't like her as a blond. I just feel she looks more natural as a red head [Yes, I know she's naturally a blond]. Lovely, simple look though. Not fond of coral myself but it's all right on her.

Julianne Hough
I actually really like the Egyptian look. She keeps it up with her eyes too. Maybe if the dress had been a little shorter and the necklace had been less, it would have looked younger.

Hailee Steinfeld
Good for someone so young on the red carpet. Simple and elegant and youthful. She keeps up with the vast majority [who are a bit older than her] without dressing like them.

Christina Aguilera
Hasn't she done the nude with black lace detail over it? Don't really care for it. I like her 50's hair and the shape of the dress.

Eva Longoria
Very simple and elegant and sleek. Backless seems to be very popular. I like the flowy, spread out bottom but I'm sure it caused many walking problems!

Olivia Wilde
My favorite look of the night! It was fantastic! Loved her shoes [but agree silver would have been better]! Her dress makes me think of the night sky with the slightly uneven sparkles and color transitioning. She makes me want this dress! <3

Lea Michele
Eh... I don't know about the ruffles on one side and then the ruffles on the other side of the sleeve. I would have liked a flowier material to go with the flowiness of the ruffles.

Piper Perabo
Another eh... She looks very thin. I don't know if the dress really flatters her even though I love her as an actress. Doesn't really wow me at all.

Amber Riley
Again with the sparkles! But she pulls it off! Love her! <3

Leighton Meester [Kelly's worst dressed nominee]
A little matronly [at least the dress]. Again, maybe another color for the dress would have made this work better. Kind of think old lady lace which clashes with her youthful face and hair.

Tilda Swendon
Did not like it at all. It looks like she threw on any old button up shirt and a skirt.

* These are the final selections by Joan Rivers... Who I don't think should really be judging people on fashion and seems to do it because she's funny.

You can go here to see pictures of all these ladies. It takes you to the E! page for the Golden Globes [2011].